Twitter- seven deadly sins of marketing communication

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Umbrella Marketing Team
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Image: Courtesy of Limebridge

This simple communicator has very quickly gained tremendous popularity worldwide. It benefits not only brands, but also sports and music celebrities, politicians and journalists. It even became a key communication tool during many modern revolutions and wars, as it provides users with privacy and allows them to spread their messages anonymously.

To the point

Twitter is increasingly popular in marketing communication. Businesses appreciate its simplicity and straightforward, short messages directed right at their followers. Thanks to hash tags, we can say what we want in 140 characters. As a result, we don’t waste our followers’ time by making them read elaborated messages that they are not interested in!Other benefits of Twitter are real-time communication, newsflash announcements, breaking news or stories, brainstorming ideas, research and opinions.Everyone uses Twitter differently and with various aims. Some of the principles are listed in our Twitter guide. In this blog we are going to focus on what to avoid and outline some of the most common mistakes.

  1. It’s all about me

Don’t solely concentrate on your business, its services and products. Many users of social networking sites fall into self-admiration, constantly writing about themselves and how great and successful they are!This is not welcome and can be off putting. It sounds like pure advertising!

  1. Balance it out

Try to keep a healthy balance between tweets about your business and other tweets. We follow 80-20 rule, where 80% of our posts are industry related and 20% are taking about our services and inviting people/tweeters to our website. We recommend a mixture of company updates, industry news and relevant/interesting features!

  1. Keep away

Avoid SPAM and backlinks to low-ranked or low-quality websites! Linking is very important for SEO purposes but make sure you check the content of the site you are linking to. After all, your reputation is on the line!

  1. Less is more

Don’t waste your followers’ time by tweeting just for the sake of it. On Twitter less often means more. If you haven’t got anything interesting or engaging to say, don’t say it at all!

  1. Re-tweeting

Don’t re-tweet every single tweet you are mentioned in! Be selective and perhaps share only those that could be relevant to your followers.

  1. Old news is no news

Timing is a key! Many updates lose their relevancy after only a few hours. What was trending on Twitter an hour ago isn’t necessary “hot” any longer. If for some reason you couldn’t comment on happenings in real-time, don’t bother!

  1. Try not over-do it

There are many schools of thought about the quantity of Twitter communication. Some businesses tweet monthly keeping their updates to bare minimum, other do it weekly or daily. Big corporations send out several tweets an hour. You need to work out your model based on the information you have available about and for your target audience.

Umbrella Marketing TEAM

Positive co-notations are really important component of any successful business communication. Positive and light-hearted tweets are therefore perceived in a better light than those of negative, angry or shout-y tone!We always bank on transparency and honesty as respect and trust building tools.Let’s not forget about being polite. Here you have to be careful, as we have noticed a big shift in what’s welcome and what’s not. It used to be in a good taste to send a welcome tweet to every new follower of our business profile a few years ago but this is no longer the case.If you looking for more tips on social media and digital marketing- visit the blog or resource section of our website.If you would like to find out more about our services, please contact us on 01244 515569.

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